Meet Paige


Dated 2nd March 2010:

Meet Paige, This is a little late as I needed to edit the video but I wanted to shout out a big CONGRATULATIONS to Aly Bateman who last week entered her first show of the year with Paige (who you’ve seen a couple of time features on my posts). She won every class she entered, both ridden and in hand. They’ve worked so very hard and it looks like it’s all paid off 


Well done!!
And everyone, enjoy the video

Dated 15th Feb 2018:

You first saw her a few weeks ago when we had a fantastic schooling session. We’ll this week I was called in on short notice to clip her. Now, I don’t usually offer a clipping service, I’m a bit of a neat freak so take ages getting it just right. So it wasn’t the quickest job but hopefully her owner will be pleased 😃
Not a bad job, even if I do say so myself.

Pre-Clip – Camera shy


Post Clip, aiming for feathered on the legs – Not a bad job


Dated 22nd Jan 2018:

I’ve just had a fabulous schooling session on this beautiful traditional cob. Her owner (Aly Bateman – read her testimonial here) has a new job, yeah for getting that job!  But in these early days  of her new job the hours she’s needing to put in aren’t conducive to having time for exercising horses (boo for smelly work!!) So that aside we did some great work on her rhythm and suppleness, helping her to work out her own balance as she’s working in the arena. Looking forward to another session in a fortnight